David’s Well Panama

Idalia, Jared, and Yolanda lead the day to day operations of the various ministries in which David’s Well serves the people in Panama.
DWs headquarters are based in David, Panama but serve many surrounding communities. Some of these communities are unreachable by car so they head to what we refer to as “The Islands” by boat.
Juan Rodriguez (Idalia’s husband and Yolanda’s father) founded David’s Well along with Dan Crosley around thirty-seven years ago. Since then, many have come to know Jesus!
David’s Well serves many in Panama through:
💜Clean Water Systems
💜Empowering Communities
💜Medical Clinics
💜Planting Churches
💜Pastoral Training
💜Outreach Ministries
💜Food Donations
💜Children, Youth, and College Age Ministries
💜Short-term trips from U.S. partners to see projects and ministries happen
💜and more!
We are beyond thankful for their work! To our friends and partners THANK YOU for helping us spread the gospel TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH (acts 1:8).
We are thankful for you!
David’s Well
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